If you're having trouble updating to Geneious 2023 on Windows please check which scenario applies and try the recommended fix:
Scenario 1: If you have previously installed Geneious 2023 on Windows using the MSI installer and have not updated yet:
- Download the desired installer manually from our download page.
- Uninstall the previous version.
- Install the new version.
Scenario 2: If you have updated Geneious 2023 on Windows but have not uninstalled anything:
- You can continue running the updated version, but if you uninstall the previous version this could cause issues (see Scenario 3)
Scenario 3: If you have updated Geneious 2023 on Windows and uninstalled the previous version, but now Geneious is broken:
If you are having trouble updating and none of the above scenarios apply, please contact support.