Recently, Geneious Prime encountered an issue when downloading its enzyme sets from REBASE. This caused the list of enzymes available in Geneious to be truncated, with many common enzymes missing.
We have fixed this issue, but it will take up to 30 days to propagate out to all versions of Geneious Prime. If you encounter problems with missing enzymes and need to update the list before then, there are two options:
- Download the full list of enzymes as a .geneious document from this link. Import the document into Geneious anywhere in your database. This makes available an alternative set of enzyme lists that contain the full set of enzymes.
- Resetting your preferences and restarting Geneious will cause the full enzyme list to be redownloaded. You can do this by going to Tools -> Preferences -> General -> Reset all Preferences (in the bottom left). Note that this will reset other preferences like window size and position, zoom levels in the sequence viewer, and default options for operations.