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Missing Columns in Exporter



  • Richard Moir

    The column should be selectable from the document view when the field is present on any of the documents:



    And this should relate directly to the presence of the column in your exported file. If one of the documents you are exporting has a value for "# Nucleotide Sequences with Quality" then the column will be in the CSV.

    Hope this helps.

    I don't think there is a way to force the column on using the existing exporter unfortunately.

  • David Bour

    Is that column option not implemented in 8.1.2? It's not one of the drop downs and this run produced the column??

    4-21-2016 4-51-11 PM.jpg
  • Richard Moir

    Maybe you just need to scroll down in the manage columns window to see it? I tested with 8.0.5 so your version shouldn't be the problem.

  • David Bour

    Forgot to attach the other half. It's not there.

    4-21-2016 4-59-35 PM-2nd.jpg
  • David Bour

    It's strange because I see it in the object, but it doesn't write-out when I'm running the API exporter on my computer versus my partners computer who is using the same version. Is it a difference in the GUI options somewhere itself that's triggering the difference in the export..??

  • David Bour


    I went ahead and created a new directory for my Data Storage Location and re-initiated all of my Geneious settings. The column options were then enabled. It seems like my user settings were corrupted somehow. Is this possibly because I was saving it on a network drive and it was lost along the way? Anyways, thank you for taking the time to help!


  • Richard Moir

    Ok, good to hear. Geneious has a kind of master list of fields which might have become corrupted.


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