more than one submenu
I have seen similar thread ( in the geneious forum.
This was a good idea to use in order to save some space, however due to basic coding skills, I have bit of trouble implementing idea.
My code:
In the my main plugin class:
public GeneiousActionOptions getParentActionOptions() {
return new GeneiousActionOptions("Editing Options").setInMainToolbar(true,0);
In class1:
public GeneiousActionOptions getActionOptions() {
MyPlugin k = new MyPlugin();
GeneiousActionOptions parent = k.getParentActionOptions();
GeneiousActionOptions submenuItem1 = new GeneiousActionOptions("Edit");
GeneiousActionOptions sub1 = parent.createSubmenuActionOptions(parent, submenuItem1);
return (sub1);
In class2:
public GeneiousActionOptions getActionOptions() {
MyPlugin k = new MyPlugin();
GeneiousActionOptions parent = k.getParentActionOptions();
GeneiousActionOptions submenuItem2 = new GeneiousActionOptions("Add");
GeneiousActionOptions sub2 = parent.createSubmenuActionOptions(parent, submenuItem2);
return (sub2);
But I can see only one of these two. Is this possible the right way of sharing the parent option?
Thanks for your help.
All classes that use the parent option must use the exact same instance of the parent options (eg. a singleton). This can easily be done with a static field. In your plugin class:
`public static final GeneiousActionOptions PARENT_OPTIONS = new GeneiousActionOptions("Editing Options").setInMainToolbar(true,0);`
Then in your other classes:
`GeneiousActionOptions sub1 = GeneiousActionOptions.createSubmenuActionOptions(MyPlugin.PARENT_OPTIONS, submenuItem2);`
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