URN links format
I want to better integrate geneious files with my electronic notes (in Obsidian) using links which directly open certain local file in geneious.
I found out that this should be possible using URNs. An example of my URN is "urn:local:.:1s9-e18dfu9"
I tried
and other variations but I just can't get the link to work. What is the correct format?
Thank you for your help,
Hi Marie,
The main format which Geneious recognizes was added in version 2021.0.0 and looks like this:
If you want to link to multiple documents you can separate each "urn=..." with an "&" symbol for example:
Unfortunately some older applications may not consider this format to be a link and allow you to click on it. However copy+pasting the link into a browser such as Google Chrome should work for most operating systems.
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Ahh that would make sense, I don't think we officially support the links on Ubuntu (although we are looking at changing this in the future!).
There is a method you can use to add the geneious:// scheme to the system which when tested does seem to allow the links to work:
Step 1: Create a file with the name and location: ~/.local/share/applications/geneiousurl.desktop, the content of this file should be:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=Geneious\ Prime %u
Comment=geneious‑URL handler
MimeType=x-scheme-handler/geneious;Step 2 on a terminal, run the command:
sudo update-desktop-database
Step 3 on a terminal, run the command:
xdg-mime default geneiousurl.desktop x-scheme-handler/geneious
After this, the links should now be correctly handled by the operating system
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Hi Tom,
thank you for the reply. However, I found out that this unfortunately wasn't the problem. I have Ubuntu 20.04 and it seems that the geneious:// scheme simply isn't recognized. Even the example of file import from the internet provided in the manual doesn't work for me.
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All good now!
I had to make an additional step of adding Geneious PATH to ~/.profile, now it works.
Thank you for your help!
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