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Remove custom annotations in batch



  • Matthew Cheung

    Hi Paul,

    The annotation type is just a String.  The various TYPE_XYZ variables are available for any built in types, but you can also just specify the String.  For example replacing TYPE_LIGATION with "ligation" will do the same thing.

    So for custom types that you have created, you can just specify the same String that was used to create it.

  • Paul Janszen

    Hello Matthew,

    That doesn't work. I get these errors also with standard annotations:

    Standard annotation: Ligation:

    Custom annotation: Vhh Gene:


    This works for standard annotation LIGATION:

  • Matthew Cheung

    Hi Paul,

    You need to replace the whole variable with a String.  e.g. 

    .filter(annotation -> !annotation.getType().equals("ligation"))


  • Paul Janszen

    Hi Matthew,

    Sorry for the late reply. But your solution did work very well. Thank you!


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