Is it possible to programmatically set columns in annotations tables?
I have a SequenceAnnotationGenerator plugin. For the annotations returned, there's a data table in the lower right corner of the sequence viewer, I'm not sure the name of the widget but you can see it here:
Is there a way to programmatically control which columns are displayed by default here? Both as-is but more importantly when the user has selected the pop out button?
And similarly if there is such functionality, is it available via the `Annotations` tab up above?
I'm not seeing a way to manipulate this via the annotation generator's results but figured I would ask. If there's not, is the path forward to functionality like this to create a custom DocumentViewer?
Hi Jeff,
Sorry there is no good way to control the columns there programatically. Users will need to set up the displayed columns individually.
You could write your own custom DocumentViewer, but we it might be a bit tricky since you normally define them as working on particular document types. So you might end up showing it more often than you'd want.
If you don't need the information in the actual annotations, then another thing you could consider is DocumentNotes (called Meta-Data in the UI), see
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If such functionality is not available directly through the plugin’s results, and the software does not provide a way to manipulate the UI in this manner, then creating a custom DocumentViewer or extending the existing one might indeed be the path forward. This would involve programming a new component or modifying the existing one to meet your specific needs, which would likely require a good understanding of the software’s architecture and possibly its source code.
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