File extension
This is a locked post that has been migrated from our previous forum. Please start a new post if you would like to continue the discussion.
Geneious User:
Hi, thanks a lot for the great Geneious tool!!
We are having a problem related to the file extension format *.rsb; which Geneious do not load properly. These files were sent from a laboratory asked for genotyping some samples.
We are interested to work *.fsa and *.rsd file, together.
Geneious Support:
.fsa files should import fine into Geneious, especially if you have the microsats plugin installed. I'm not aware of what .rsb files would be so you need to let us know what program produced them. It is likely that the files can't be imported though.
Geneious User:
Exactly!! The .rsb file format is from Megabase software, which works with Amersham sequencing machine. In other hand, when a .rsb file is loaded, Geneiuos transform it to .txt .
Geneious Support:
Without seeing an example of the file we can't consider writing an importer. Send one to so we can look at what it contains and how easy it would be to parse it.
Geneious Support:
Do you mean .rsd files? We actually have examples of those, sorry the plugin doesn't support them at this stage.
Geneious User:
Hi, thanks a lot for the great Geneious tool!!
We are having a problem related to the file extension format *.rsb; which Geneious do not load properly. These files were sent from a laboratory asked for genotyping some samples.
We are interested to work *.fsa and *.rsd file, together.
Geneious Support:
.fsa files should import fine into Geneious, especially if you have the microsats plugin installed. I'm not aware of what .rsb files would be so you need to let us know what program produced them. It is likely that the files can't be imported though.
Geneious User:
Exactly!! The .rsb file format is from Megabase software, which works with Amersham sequencing machine. In other hand, when a .rsb file is loaded, Geneiuos transform it to .txt .
Geneious Support:
Without seeing an example of the file we can't consider writing an importer. Send one to so we can look at what it contains and how easy it would be to parse it.
Geneious Support:
Do you mean .rsd files? We actually have examples of those, sorry the plugin doesn't support them at this stage.
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