Yes, Geneious Prime can map RNA-seq reads to a genomic reference sequence using the Geneious RNA assembler (Geneious R9 onwards). This assembler can discover novel introns and map ends of reads correctly around these novel introns, or it can map reads to introns via CDS, mRNA or junction annotations on your reference sequence. This assembler will also discover fusion genes.
For transcriptome de-novo assembly we suggest using SPAdes, which is available under the de novo assembly options. To run this in RNA mode, select RNA as the data source. For more information on SpadesRNA, see this paper. We do not recommend using the Geneious assembler for de novo transcriptome assembly.
Geneious R8 and later contains tools for digital gene expression analysis, allowing you to calculate normalized expression measures TPM, RPKM and FPKM on reference mappings of individual samples, and to compare values between two samples (with or without replicates) to find differentially expressed genes. To calculate TPM, RPKM and FPKM for individual samples, select your reference assembly and go to Calculate Expression Levels under the Annotate and Predict menu. The results are displayed as a heat map annotation track on the reference sequence.
To compare expression levels between two sample conditions you can either use the Geneious expression analysis tool or if you have replicates for each condition, use the Geneious implementation of DESeq2. These options are available under Compare Expression Levels in the Annotate and Predict menu. To compare two samples you must first run Calculate Expression levels on the reference assemblies for each sample replicate (which must have the same reference sequence), then click Save to apply the results track to the reference sequence document. Then select the reference sequence and run Compare Expression Levels.
Tutorials for expression analysis are available on our website. For more information on these options see the Geneious Prime User Manual