Legacy Flexnet licenses for Geneious Prime can no longer be activated on the latest releases of linux, including Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. These licenses require Linux Standard Base (LSB) which is no longer available on the latest versions of many linux distributions.
When activating on an unsupported system, you will see an error message that is similar to the following:
Affected License Types
- Personal and Group licenses using FlexNet technology
- Floating licenses - only affects activation on the server itself, end users can still use newer linux version
- Geneious Server Database licenses - only affects activation on the server itself, end users can still use newer linux version
What to do
If your license is NOT under active support: Avoid upgrading to Linux OR contact us if you'd like to renew your license and upgrade Linux. If you do not upgrade Linux, you should continue to install patches to keep your environment secure.
If you have already upgraded Linux and encountered an error, you can downgrade linux or contact us to explore alternative licensing options.
If your license is under active support: Please contact us to explore alternative licensing options.