Geneious Cloud - Users on an eligible license (purchased from 21 March 2024) have access to Geneious Cloud which provides a workspace where you can backup and access your data from any licensed copy of Geneious Prime. See Geneious Cloud FAQ and How to Start using Geneious Cloud for more details.
Alternative ways to achieve this:
Shared Database (This option requires knowledge of SQL database setup and maintenance. We suggest you consult with your IT team about requirements prior to considering this option): if all of the computers are on the same local network and you can set up a central server for holding the data then this is a suitable option. Geneious integrates with your SQL server to store your data centrally, giving you access from within the network and allowing you to share data with colleagues. See the Geneious Prime User Manual for instructions on how to do this. The manual for your copy of Geneious can be found by going to Help→User Manual.
External Drive (eg. USB): Storing your data on a USB drive may make Geneious slower but is generally safe as long as you shutdown Geneious and safely eject the drive before disconnecting the drive. Be aware that disconnects are still common with external devices and these can lead to corrupt data. Therefore, it's critically important to keep frequent backups of your database when using this method of storage. To use an external drive for your data, open Tools → Preferences in Geneious and change the Data Storage Location to a new folder on your drive.
Other, not recommended options: For reasons described in "Can I store my database on an external drive or a network drive?", storing your database on network drives or cloud syncing services is not recommended as a way to access it from multiple machines. However, you can export documents in .geneious format to these drives, which can then be dragged into another local database on another machine.